Whoever eats my flesh

A setting of the Communion Antiphon for the Mass of Corpus Christi (Year B, John 6:57), coupled with verses inspired by psalms that are closely associated with the Eucharist.

This chant can be sung in a number of ways, depending upon your musical resources and the liturgical need. The refrain can be sung repeatedly just by itself as a meditation. The verses can sung between renditions of the refrain, or sung on top of the refrain by a soloist as an ostinato in the style of a Taize chant.

This verses of this song reflect the responsorial psalm for Holy Thursday, 2nd Sunday of Lent Year B, 4th Sunday of Lent Year C,19th-21st and 24th Sundays in Ordinary Time Year B, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the feast of St Peter and St Paul. It is also a Common Psalm for Ordinary Time.

Bishop Philip Egan named 2021-22 as a Year of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, UK. Following on from the Year of the Word, it aimed to help the people of the diocese grow in faith so that they might be better equipped to ‘bring people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church’. This piece was written for the Year of the Eucharist, but it initially coincided with the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic. Many were unable to attend Mass in person and receive the Blessed Sacrament, due to health or social restrictions. It reminded us how precious the Eucharist is to Catholics.



Keyboard, guitar, choir / cantor


Liturgical use: Communion

Audio clip

This audio recording was made during a live service. We apologise for the quality but hope you appreciate the authenticity