Five Tone Acclamations

This setting of the Eucharistic Acclamations is so simple that it only uses five notes!

It was written “on the back of an envelope” when the organist of the day was stuck in traffic and was unable to reach the church in time to play.

The setting was designed to be sung unaccompanied in chant style and so can be sung in any suitable key. If a through setting is required, the cantor sections can be omitted and only the assembly sections sung.

If the guitar accompaniment is used, the guitar should strum only where the chords change.

This work is published with the approval of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.



Unaccompanied cantor and/or congregation; keyboard and/orguitar


Liturgical use: Eucharistic Acclamations

Audio clip