A setting of the Mass in honour of St Oscar Romero – a priest, advocate for social justice, the voice of the voiceless poor, martyr, inspiration.
The setting was commissioned by Most Rev John Wilson, Archbishop of Southwark, with support from The Archbishop Romero Trust. It is based upon the hymn tune Salvador, originally composed for God, you raise up true disciples, our hymn for the centenary of St Oscar Romero’s birth.
The setting consists of the Penitential Act C, Kyrie, two settings of the Gloria (with and without refrain), Sanctus, Mystery of Faith, Amen, Agnus Dei.
The setting is very effective when sung in unison with conviction and energy. SATB choir and descant parts are provided for the Gloria and the Eucharistic Acclamations. The setting can be sung by the assembly alone or with the cantor singing the verses of the Gloria. The accompaniment is equally at home on organ or piano.
Performance notes and a commentary on the life of St Oscar Romero are also included.
This Mass setting is a tribute to the life and legacy of St Oscar Romero, a martyr of our time. His
tireless advocacy for social justice, particularly for the poor and marginalised, continues to
inspire us today.St Oscar Romero holds a special place in the life of our archdiocese. St George’s Cathedral houses
the National Shrine and continues to draw pilgrims who are moved by his life and work.This setting is designed to be accessible to congregations, schools and musicians whatever their
musical experience. The melodies are simple and accessible; the harmonies are straightforward
and uplifting.May this music inspire us to follow in St Oscar Romero’s footsteps and strive to create a more just
and compassionate world.Most Rev John Wilson, Archbishop of Southwark
This work is published with the approval of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
Cantor / choir, guitar, keyboard
Liturgical use: Eucharistic Acclamations; Glory to God; Lamb of God; Penitential Act
Collections: Mass settings
Themes: St Oscar Romero; Suffering and martyrdom
Audio clips
Penitential Act C (Greek, without repeats)
Penitential Act C (English, without repeats)
Kyrie (Greek, without repeats)
Kyrie (English, without repeats)
Gloria (with refrain)
Gloria (without refrain)
Memorial Acclamation – We proclaim your Death (with repeat)
Memorial Acclamation – When we eat this Bread (with repeat)
Memorial Acclamation – Save us, Saviour of the World (with repeat)
Doxology and Amen (with repeat)
Agnus Dei