Mass of St Oscar Romero
A setting of the Mass in honour of St Oscar Romero, based on the hymn "God, you raise up true disciples"
A setting of the Mass in honour of St Oscar Romero, based on the hymn "God, you raise up true disciples"
Parish-tested psalms for the 2024 Lectionary for use throughout the Church's year, Sunday by Sunday and beyond.
Two settings of the Acclamations before the Gospel for Advent, using well-known seasonal melodies and words from the 2024 Lectionary
A setting of the Communion Antiphon for Corpus Christi, coupled with verses inspired by psalms that are closely associated with the Eucharist.
A setting of Psalm 126(125) for harvest time.
A chant song for mercy with verses in Taize-style
A setting of Psalm 15(14) with a difference - there are responses inside every verse!
A setting of the Mass in C for organ/keyboard, cantor / choir, guitar and instruments, including Gospel Acclamations.
This setting of the Eucharistic Acclamations is so simple that it only uses five notes!
The Gloria in a robust setting for organ. Verses are sung to a chant with a triumphant trumpet interlude.