Mass of St Oscar Romero
A setting of the Mass in honour of St Oscar Romero, based on the hymn "God, you raise up true disciples"
A setting of the Mass in honour of St Oscar Romero, based on the hymn "God, you raise up true disciples"
Two settings of the Acclamations before the Gospel for Advent, using well-known seasonal melodies and words from the 2024 Lectionary
A gentle setting of the words of St John's gospel chapter 15, reminding us how we can only grow in Christ.
A setting of the Communion Antiphon for Corpus Christi, coupled with verses inspired by psalms that are closely associated with the Eucharist.
A complete setting of the four Gospel Acclamations for Lent.
A setting of the Beatitudes from Matthew's Gospel.
A song for the Sunday of the Word of God (3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time) and other occasions that focus on the Bible and the living Word
A gathering hymn for Advent, highlighting themes of longing, waiting and hope through words from the Advent gospel readings.
A song for healing and wholeness, based Matthew's gospel “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
A song for the presentation of the gifts, offering the bread, the wine and ourselves to God.