Be merciful
A chant song for mercy with verses in Taize-style
A chant song for mercy with verses in Taize-style
A setting of Psalm 15(14) with a difference - there are responses inside every verse!
A versatile Alleluia that can be used from the Easter Vigil to Pentecost Sunday or as a gathering song
A setting of chapter 15 of John's Gospel, where Jesus urges his followers to love one another as they have been loved.
A setting of the words used in the institution of the Eucharist, according to Matthew's Gospel.
A setting of the Pentecost sequence hymn Veni, Sancte Spiritus for cantor and assembly
A responsorial litany with verses for each of the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
A calm and melodic setting of the Litany of the Saints
A relaxed setting of verses from psalm 145(144)
The psalm for Palm Sunday and Holy Week in an arrangement with pathos.